Monday, August 14, 2006

Post numero uno

How frikking exciting!! My very first blog entry. Look out internet!
I just want to make it very clear to any visitors I might have (I am sure there will be thousands) that this blog is NOT for you. Sure you may get some enjoyment out of reading my clever witticisim (is that a word?). But mostly, this blog is something I needed to do for myself. I am at a point where I need some self discovery. Outside of being mommy and all the things that go along with taking care of household, I really dont know who I am. Everyone needs something right? When faced with the question "What do you do for yourself that you enjoy?" I come up blank. And that, my friends, is sad.

So I am gonna find it. I am on my way.

Can you feel my excitement? Watch out folks, it could be contagious.

I decided to chronicle this journey because writing and journaling was something I always loved to do. And as I continue to find Carrie, I am sure I will use this forum to just chat about my daily life with the kids and the fam. Consider it homemade therapy.

I dont know where I am going, but I am looking forward to the ride.

Maybe I will try yoga next? Or take up knitting. Who knows?

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