Thursday, May 10, 2007

Take the power back!

I love Rage Against the Machine…..Love…..Them.

Have since high school. The lyrics to that song are not at all relevant to the theme of this post (the song is very political), but the title of the song is exactly where my head is right now. And the feel of the song is very fast and angry. It suits me pretty well at the moment. So well, in fact, that as soon as I leave work today I am going to put this CD on in my car and rock the hell out. Indeed, now on to the post................

Yes, I am saying this because I feel as though I have relinquished some of my personal power. I am not sure how it happened. Maybe I gave it away to appease others? Maybe I just stopped fighting to keep it. I don’t know. But what I do know is that I have had enough and I am taking my power back, dammit!

I am NO LONGER going to allow someone else to have the power to hurt me. I will NO LONGER allow someone else to have the power to make me feel like shit about myself. And most of all, I will NO LONGER allow myself to feel powerless over my circumstances.

I am driving this motherfucking bus. Next stop, HappyTown. Watch out if you try to get in my way because I just might run your ass over.

That’s me, taking my power back. Beep beep.

1 comment:

Twisted Cinderella said...

Good for you! I love the empowered feeling of this post!